NEW PUBLICATION Special Issue of SIGN SYSTEM STUDIES dedicated to the “Cultures of the face”, edited by Remo Gramigna and Massimo Leone.
- Introduction: Studying the ‘facesphere’, Massimo Leone, 270-278
- The transcendence of the face: A semiotic-linguistic path, Ugo Volli, 279-297
- The face of health in the West and the East: A semio-cultural analysis, Simona Stano, 298-317
- Cultures of the (masked) face, Gabriele Marino, 318-337
- Notes on the semiotics of face recognition, Remo Gramigna, Cristina Voto, 338-360
- The face and the faceness: Iconicity in the early faciasemiotics of Paul Ekman, 1957–1978, Devon Schiller, 361-382
- Marlen Haushofer’s The Wall and the post-nuclear culture of the face, Emanuela Ferragamo, 383-399
- Semiotics of the pornographic face: From traditional porno to Beautiful Agony, Bruno Surace, 400-417
- Culturally significant symbolic faces: For a sociosemiotics of faces in films, Antonio Santangelo, 418-436
- Art, face and breathscape: From air to cultural texts, Silvia Barbotto, 437-462
- Faces in the pre-Hispanic rock art of Colombia: Semiotic strategies, visual semiospheres, and gestures, Martín Cuitzeo Domínguez Núñez, 463-488
- Face off – a semiotic technology study of software for making deepfakes, Søren Vigild Poulsen, 489-508
- Augmented facets: A semiotics analysis of augmented reality facial effects, Federico Biggio, 509-526
- Face and trust: A semiotic inquiry into influencers, money, and amygdala, Kristian Bankov, 527-542
- Gotta face ‘em all: Pokémon, Japanese animated characters, and the emergence of playful visual animism, Vincenzo Idone Cassone, 543-565
- Fatal portraits: The selfie as agent of radicalization, Peter Mantello, 566-589
- Urban-human faces and the semiotic right to the city: From the USSR propaganda machinery to the participatory city, Elsa Soro, 590-607
Reviews and Notes
- Jaan Kaplinski and his contacts with the Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics, Ekaterina Velmezova, Kalevi Kull, Ene-Reet Soovik, 608-615