Just out for the Italian publishing house Mimesis, Bruno Surace’s new book, I volti dell’infanzia nelle culture audiovisive: Cinema, immagini, nuovi media [Infancy’s faces in audiovisual cultures: Cinema, images, new media]. The book is available (only in Italian) in OPEN ACCESS. Synopsis The face of childhood is a cultural object as full of meaning as […]
New book “Il metavolto” (ed. Massimo Leone), on the face in the metaverse, is available in open-access (IT).
NEW PUBLICATION Special Issue of SIGN SYSTEM STUDIES dedicated to the “Cultures of the face”, edited by Remo Gramigna and Massimo Leone. DOI: https://doi.org/10.12697/49.3-4 Editorial Introduction: Studying the ‘facesphere’, Massimo Leone, 270-278 PDF Articles The transcendence of the face: A semiotic-linguistic path, Ugo Volli, 279-297 PDF The face of health in the West and the East: […]
New book edited by Cristina Voto, José Enrique Finol and Massimo Leone is available.
New book “Volti del Complotto” is available to readers.
What happens to faces in COVID times?
Two new databases of facial images facilitate research on face stigmatization.
Marco VIOLA, FACETS Post-Doc, has published an article entitled “Beyond the Platonic Brain: Facing the Challenge of Individual Differences in Function-Structure Mapping”, _Synthèse_, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-020-02875-x Open Access PDF.
A new article by FACETS PI Massimo LEONE. After a concise survey of the state of the art on the semiotics of the mask and on studies in humanities and social sciences about medical face masks, the essay provides anecdotic evidence about differences in the semiotics of medical face masks in Europe and in the […]
New article on chimpanzee face recognition from videos in the wild using deep learning.