“Volto manifesto” is a documentary on artificial faces by Lorella Zanardo e Cesare Cantù
Cuban director Arturo Santana explores the faces of Cuba during the pandemic through the format of the selfie.
Italian director Agostino FERRENTE’s movie “Selfie” adopts mobile phone selfies as artistic format for documentary movie and wins several awards, including the “David di Donatello”, prime Italian cinema award, for documentary movies.
A YouTube channel entirely devoted to deep fake videos (mostly from Spain).
Deep Fake has Lorca’s Picture Turned into a Sounded Video of Him Reciting one of His Poems
José Enrique FINOL on the semiotics of the body.
We are putting a face on philosophy.
We are facing the pandemic.
Candle wax and crayon respond well to ice. Fill a plastic bag with ice cubes, wrap it in a towel, place it on the stain until it hardens; carefully coax wax off with a plastic spatula.