Position: Post-Doc Researcher
Expertise: Semiotics and Film Studies
ORCID: 0000-0002-3532-7885
Email: b.surace@unito.it
Website: www.brunosurace.it
Bruno Surace
Post-Doc Researcher
Semiotics and Film Studies
Bruno Surace is a PhD in Semiotics and Media at the University of Turin, Post-Doc Research Fellow at FACETS (Face Aesthetics in Contemporary E-Technological Societies), Adjunct Professor of Semiotics and Cinema and Audiovisual Communication at the University of Turin and Lecturer at the Renato Einaudi Interuniversity College.
He is a member of CIRCe, AISS and CUC (Consulta Universitaria Cinema). He is the author of the monograph Il destino impresso. For a theory of destinality in cinema (Turin, Kaplan 2019), and co-curator of the volumes I discorsi della fine. Catastrofi, disastri, Apocalissi (Aracne 2018, together with Vincenzo Idone Cassone and Mattia Thibault) and The Waterfall and the Fountain. Comparative Semiotic Essays on Contemporary Arts in China (Aracne 2019, together with Massimo Leone and Jun Zeng).
He has published articles in several peer reviewed journals, as well as book chapters. He has participated as a speaker at numerous conferences in Italy, Europe, China and the United States.
In his free time he pampers his cat.